Liturgy Committee

Co-ordinator / Leader Parish Priest
Contact Number Parish House: as per our Contact-Us page.
Members / Participants 9
Year the group started ?
Gathering place / time Parish House as required
Main Function / Purpose Liturgical - Plan liturgies and implement these plans to provide a meaningful environment for the mass / service.
Major Event All major feasts and special occasions

A typical year

A bit more on who we are

The Liturgy Commitee is a small and dedicated team that prepares the church and Mass liturgy throughout the year. Our numbers are augmented with helpers who we recruit, often with a tap on the shoulder before Mass.

We meet to discuss, prepare and co-ordinate special Masses including Introductions, Prayers of the Faithful, Reflections and Forgiveness Rites. Our Prep Welcome Mass, for example, gives new families of Holy Spirit School an introduction to the weekend Mass and Childrens Liturgy. We also co-ordinate other themed Masses such as Mothers' and Fathers' Day Masses, Sportspersons' Mass and a Winter Warmers Mass. We prepare the church for various occasions - changing the altar linen for the appropriate liturgical season, putting up relevant banners, decorating the church and preparing the foyer with artwork, messages, lighting, etc. Much of this is done in tandem with other dedicated groups within the Parish such as those on the set up and clean Roster and the Choir.

Many Saturday mornings there will be a bevy of activity going on, attending to the small details which can make a liturgical celebration so much more meaningful, i.e. altar cloths & banners being ironed, or creating a 'focus' near the sanctuary which reinforces the theme of the Mass.


There are many changes to the church environment over the Easter period. This is a huge effort from the team and the many parishioners we "recruit" to assist.  To those people we say "Thank you, we couldn't manage without you". We are always looking for new ideas and several members of the team regularly attend workshops run by the Archdiocese specifically to glean new ideas and resources which we can use in our Parish celebrations. These workshops are run on a Saturday from 9am - 4pm, usually before Advent and Lent, however, there are also other times when an opportunity is presented, and someone will go along. On occasion some of our members attend music workshops with members of the Choir as well.


Equally a lot of preparation goes into the Advent and Christmas Masses as well.

New Members

New members are be very welcome to join us. We are keen to develop new ideas and to keep our liturgies vibrant and reaching out to all. If you are considering being part of it, either directly or just by sending your ideas along, please contact us.