Advent: Week 1, Hope
Week 1 Theme: Let our Church be Jesus Christ's visible face to bring hope in the world today
Advent is a four week season of preparation for the coming of Christ at Christmas and it always has a theme of looking towards the future coming of Christ at the end times. One of the prayers of the early Church which is linked with the season of waiting and longing, was the Aramaic word 'MARANATHA', which means 'Come Lord'. Use this prayer often this week as one way to begin preparation for Christmas.
Advent Theme: God shows his mercy through the face of Jesus We need to be the face of Jesus in the world today. During this Advent season we are waiting "for all the individuals and nations on earth to grow into the kind of relationship with each other that will encourage mutual help instead of competition and conflict. Then the Kingdom of God will be established!".
Advent and the wreath meaning:
Church Foyer
Lighting of the candle
Week 1 - Hope
Prayer at the lighting of the first candle
God of our waiting,
We light this candle to remind us of the great promise that your Son, Jesus, will be born anew among us.
We pray that you may deepen our awareness of the mystery of God in our lives, as revealed in your Son, Jesus.
Stay awake, you must be ready
Matthew 24:37-44
Be alert and watchful for the needs of others this week and be ready to respond to their needs.
Week 1 Theme: Let our Church be Jesus Christ's visible face to bring hope in the world today
Mass Times:
Christmas Mass Times: