Baptisms at Holy Spirit are held fortnightly on a Sunday at 12.30 pm in the Church. There are a maximum of 3 families at any ceremony which takes about 30 minutes.
Parents are required to attend a Baptism Information Meeting which is held on the second Tuesday of the month (except January) at 7.30 pm in the Parish House. The baptism process is explained and parents are supplied with a Baptism Kit to take home. A Registration Form for each child is required to be filled out on the night. Baptism bookings can be made prior to the Information Meeting particularly, if you have a special date in mind, e.g. the baby’s First Birthday.
It is also a requirement to attend a "Welcoming Ceremony" at one of our weekend masses prior to the baptism. At the start of mass, Father calls up the family and he introduces the parents and child to the congregation. He asks the parents what they wish for their child to which they reply "Baptism" and he ensures they understand the serious commitment they are about to undertake.
If families do not reside within the Parish boundary, they must contact their local Parish for a letter of "Permission to Baptise in another Parish" as a courtesy. This letter is retained by us and attached to the Registration Form. We warmly welcome families from other Parishes provided they have permission from their Parish Priest.
For further enquiries and bookings please contact the Parish House.
May the Lord bless all young parents and their children.