Ladies Group

Co-ordinator / Leader Maureen Taffe / Marita North-Coombes
Contact Number 0422 508 637 (Maureen)
0401 645 387 (Marita)
Members / Participants 40 members with approximately 20-25 attending each month
Year the group started 2021
Gathering place / time The Parish House on the last Firday of each month at 10.00 a.m.
Main Function / Purpose The Holy Spirit Ladies Group was formed during Covid lockdowns connecting ladies through Zoom once a week. There was a real need in coming together to hear one anothers stories, have a chat and some laughs. Once lockdowns were over we decided to continue meeting each month.

If you are wanting to connect with some friendly ladies from Holy Spirit Community you are most welcome to join us. There are no formalities, just come along we would love to see you.