
His Spirit Is With Us

Saturday 16th May 2020

His Spirit Is With Us

How interesting and timely the words of our Lord Jesus are for us. A personal moment is recorded when He speaks in the privacy of the upper room where He is celebrating the last supper with his closest friends- his apostles. He has the consoling promise that on His departure He will not leave them orphans but will send them His spirit. This is a preparation for Pentecost and the foundation of the church when the breath of the Holy Spirit will transform them into fearless preachers with a mission of spreading the gospel. Jesus did not leave the apostles to struggle with the Christian life without the help of the spirit and He won’t leave us either as we have His word for this.

There is a great mystery of hope contained in Christ’s words and we should take courage from it -“if you love me keep my commandments.” He invites us to remain faithful. His words are not about easy successes. In the struggle to build a better world we are His instruments given with open eyes, ears, and hearts to what is good, true and beautiful. We can do this by living our lives of remarkable goodness in simple ways. If we are willing to place our lives in His hands, He will accept and bless us and make such use of us beyond our greatest expectations.

Fr. Arsenio

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