Wishing you a Happy Easter…
It is another Easter. The forty days of Lenten observances, the readings and reflections of appropriate texts from the Scriptures during this time and now with the renewal of our baptismal commitment and the celebration itself have made us refreshed and renewed in spirit. "I came that you may have life; life in abundance," said Jesus (Jn.10:10). With his passion, death and resurrection the Lord has given us life, yes, life in abundance.
A puppy said to an old dog, "I've been told that joy lies in my tail. Thus I'm chasing it; and when I catch it, I'll be joyful." The old dog mused, "True joy lies in our tails. Yet, I've realized that when I chase, it eludes me. But when I go about doing my duty, it follows me." Joy is God's gift associated with the Easter season that we celebrate.
The deep joy that Jesus' disciples experienced after His resurrection transforms them totally. And after meeting the Risen Lord and receiving God's Spirit, they joyfully proclaim messages of hope, love, equality, justice and peace despite being harassed and humiliated. It's said of them: "They rejoiced despite great hardships."
As we rejoice in the triumph and glory of the Lord let us hearken to the admonition of Saint Paul, "If then you have been raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God" (Col.3:1). May the risen Christ give us clarity of vision and true discernment to choose what is above.
Wishing you and all your family members the Joy and Hope of Christ at this Easter!