
Advent - Prepare

Saturday 28th November 2020

Advent - Prepare

There is a note of high hope about this Advent season, Mark 13:31-37,. It proclaims the message that God has not abandoned His people. And we are to wait in joyful hope for our Lord and Saviour to be revealed. Echoed and re-echoed throughout the readings is the warning 'Be on guard, stay awake because you never know when the time will come'. To be found wanting and unworthy of the kingdom on that occasion will be painfully frustrating. The real challenge of Advent is to prepare ourselves in body and soul for that great moment, by letting God's presence and power get to work in our lives.

We are invited to listen to the voice of God in the countless ways He speaks to us every day and recognise His love. The challenge of God is around every corner, at work, on the street, while we are at friends or at home in the routine of life. There is no day when He does not knock at the door of our hearts. One way we can let Him in is by availing of the opportunities to serve and be neighbourly in our community. We pass through this world but once and any good we have to do should be done now. While Advent is about waiting for God to come into our lives, it's good to remember that God has been waiting for us longer than we have been waiting for Him.

Fr. Arsenio

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