
Give to God

Saturday 17th October 2020

Give to God

(Matthew 22:15-21) When the Pharisees dragged the name of Caesar into their dispute with Jesus, it was a clever attempt to trick him into making an incriminating statement. He was in a no-win situation because to state that tax should be paid would have made Him appear a traitor to his country. While a denial would have left Him behind bars as enemy of Rome. Aware of their malice, He sidesteps the issue giving attention on the tax coin saying, 'Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God.' He challenges them to take their responsibility to God as seriously as their obligations to the state.

The gospel reminds us that we are members of God's kingdom and citizens of the country in which we live. Tensions can exist between our loyalty to God and our duty to our country especially when political questions touch upon faith and morality. Crucial issues of conscience occasionally surface. In these instances we must put God and His laws first even if it brings us into conflict with the state. We ought to bring the gospel of Jesus into every aspect of our life. Our loyalty to the laws of country need not contradict our obedience to God. We are chosen to be the saving hands of Christ and show a proper interest in the well-being of society. It takes a lifelong effort to give to God what is due. By remaining steadfast in our faith at home and in public life, we show that our reward is not to be sought in this world.

Stay healthy and safe.

Fr. Arsenio

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