
Who do You Say I Am?

Saturday 22nd August 2020

Who do You Say I Am?

The choice of Peter as head of the church is an example of the power of God at work, using the weak things of this world to confound the strong. Before his encounter with Christ, Peter's life had little meaning. Perhaps by human standards he was a disastrous choice and should never been appointed. He can be hardly described as a stable person because at times he was brave while on other occasions he displayed cowardice.

On life's pilgrimage, it's a source of great comfort that God has invited us to be members of His church built upon the rock of Peter. There's a very human aspect to Peter's life story to which perhaps we can easily relate. His moments of weakness are common place in our own lives. However, His deep trust in the person of Christ more than compensates for any failure as will a similar trust on our part. The question put by Jesus to Peter: 'Who do you say that I am?" resulted in an inspiring declaration of faith. As followers of Christ this question confronts us daily and calls us to gauge ourselves as to how we are living our lives. For that same faith on our life's pilgrimage is the rock and stronghold of our relationship with Jesus.

Stay well and safe.

Fr. Arsenio

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